Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Narrative final images

1/4. Mixed paper collage and cut-out on board.


Some prep for the Narrative project - based on the themes of fragility and innocence. Paper cut outs were interesting, need to work on my scalpel skills though!


A working flip book I made to accompany my Flash animation for the Visual Explanation project.

Visual Explanation

For this unit I had to visually explain the concept of change. I was looking at changing moods and expressions. I also made this model of a bird although I didn't use it as it didn't fit in with the rest of the work I produced.

Monday, 22 March 2010

More Interpretation of Text

Front cover design from the Interpretation of Text unit. Based on the Aztec creation myth. The top image is a wrap-around cover.


Some models from the Interpretation of Text unit.. The one at the top is based on the Shinto creation myth. She never made it into my final images but I like her creepy face!

Sunday, 21 March 2010

Interpretation of Text

These are my final images from the Interpretation of Text unit at the start of the year based on creation myths from different cultures. I want to work on my photography skills further but I feel that my outcomes from this project better reflect the sort of work I want to be making, and I've learnt about the potentials of model making. I'm really interested in contemporary children's picture book illustration that challenges the traditional conventions.


This is an album cover design idea for Hereford based prog/electro/rock band Aulos. It still needs developing further, but this has been a fun personal project! Check out the band because they're awesome.

Muzo Records

This is a commission I worked on in summer 2009 for Muzo Records store in Hereford. I designed the logo using Adobe Illustrator. It's really amazing to see it in use! Thanks to Tim Prince & Muzo records for this photo of my sign in context. I'm going to get round to taking some more photos myself very soon.

Beatles Project

Here's one of my final designs from the Word and Image project at the end of the first year based on lyrics from the Beatles song Sexy Sadie. This project really opened my eyes to typography as a form of illustration.