Thursday, 9 June 2011

Major Project

Some interesting developments in my Major Project lately.. completed a mock up book for the Macmillan Children's Prize 2011, consisting of 4 finished spreads and 10 rough spreads. The project is based around my proposal for a picture book called "The Boy Who Drew Cats", based on a Japanese folktale, updated for a modern day audience and telling the story of a boy whose drawings come to life.

I've been working in a new way in this project, building on the experience of the Negotiated Practice unit, this time creating little sets and models in a range of different media and then photographing them and bringing it all together on Photoshop. I think the print based outcomes still demonstrate my hand made aesthetic and the three dimensional model making side of my practice without looking overly digital, although it does take a very long time to build up the layers and bring the photographed imagery together to a finished quality.

Expect to see the picture book proposal plus promotional material to take away at the show!